BEST IS SHOW Richard Herzog Creeping Ivy Laser-cut Acrylic Mirrors, Hand-cut Vinyl, Wood, Steel 18’ x 32’ x 1.5’
As a child growing up I had no interest in reading fantasy or science fiction books-a great contrast to the rest of my family. I devoured all the biographical books and articles I could find. I especially liked reading about inventors, explorers and scientists. My fascination was more than about their accomplishments; it was an appreciation for their determination. These people placed all they had in what they believed, they were willing to take chances, and were willing to risk their lives. They gave me a glimpse into the possibilities in the world. Anything could be accomplished if you had the determination, drive and belief in yourself. My entire family is rooted in the hard sciences physics, chemistry and mathematics. The explanation of the world, what exists and how it works drives them to explore and learn. They are happy in this never-ending journey, always traveling down new paths looking for answers. I am not interested in explaining the world, but to put it into a different context. I examine parts of society and nature to bring awareness to these elements and alter the viewer’s perceptions. My goal is to make them look at things a bit different and consider the world they live in more closely.
IRREVERSIBLE seeks to highlight the value of local, national and international art, by
connecting artists with new audiences and community development groups; demystifying
the creative process to the viewer, through image and text.
Juried Art Fair application
Art Basel Miami Week -Dec 2016
Entry fee $55 (4) images.
Additional images are welcome add $5 per/image
Send payment by to:
3 FULL PAGES review
Entry fee $55 (4) images. We strongly recommend to apply with a total of 10 images
($85)Additional images are welcome add $5 per/image
Send payment by to:
Deadline Nov 01- 2016
Eligible Media
Painting, Sculpture, Ceramics, Photography, Mixed media, Digital art, Installation art,
Earth art, Video art , Textile, site specific installations, Upcycled Art, will be considered.
Submission Guidelines
Entry fee $55 paypal (Minimum 4 images for a total of $55) and/or Max 10 images ($85)
Submission must be deliver with completed application + Payment via PayPal (sent
payment to
Over the years, I've come to realize more and more that succeeding as an artist is all about keeping people in the game, about making sure they understand what you're up to at every step along the way-- from first contact with your art right on through to final purchase. The key is to make yourself accessible, available, and to welcome everyone to your art no matter what the circumstances. You want to make sure that everybody understands what you're doing, what your purpose is and what you're trying to communicate through your work. Doing that job well will definitely increase your chances of success.
You can't simply put your art out there, and then with little or no effort on your part, expect people to somehow get up to speed entirely on their own about its significance, figure out how to contact you, what to ask or what to say or how to say it, how to find out prices, and basically advance all the way to buying something without any assistance on your part. That's way too much to ask. You have to be actively involved in guiding them through that process, to make sure they don't get lost or confused at any point along the way.
You have to make people comfortable around your art and slow them down long enough to take that all-important longer look. You are the one responsible for giving them reasons not only to spend time looking at your art and understanding your purpose in creating it, but also for convincing them to hopefully add it to their collections, or give you shows or exposure, represent your work, or whatever else you may be looking for. And you do this by presenting yourself in a way that reaches out and deepens and enriches their experience of both you and your art.
CONGRATULATIONS to our 2014 IRREVERSIBLE winners featured exhibition/ magazine
1.Richard Herzog 1st place + cash WINNER 2.Taylor Pilote 3.Natalie Dunham 4.Judy Gelles 5.Bear Kirkpatrick 6. Ira Upin 7. Anna Olsson 8. Randy Burman 9. Jaber AlAzmeh 10. Oscar Fuentes
There is no doubt an artist grows by leaps and bounds when he or she puts artwork in the public eye for feedback, and that is what this art competitions is all about. History, patronage, commissions, and incredible opportunities have all been prizes afforded to winners of major art competitions. Big part of my dream is that IRREVERSIBLE PROJECTS,EXHIBITIONS AND THE MAGAZINE further the reach and spectrum of opportunities available for an artist of any experience level and medium. Please note you are invited to the physical exhibition that will take place at the Museum of Contemporary Art, North Miami MOCA Nov 12, 2014.
Thank you very much for entering our competition, CONGRATULATIONS! Noor Blazekovic Founder Publisher/ Chief Editor at large
BEST IS SHOW Richard Herzog Creeping Ivy Laser-cut Acrylic Mirrors, Hand-cut Vinyl, Wood, Steel 18’ x 32’ x 1.5’
As a child growing up I had no interest in reading fantasy or science fiction books-a great contrast to the rest of my family. I devoured all the biographical books and articles I could find. I especially liked reading about inventors, explorers and scientists. My fascination was more than about their accomplishments; it was an appreciation for their determination. These people placed all they had in what they believed, they were willing to take chances, and were willing to risk their lives. They gave me a glimpse into the possibilities in the world. Anything could be accomplished if you had the determination, drive and belief in yourself. My entire family is rooted in the hard sciences physics, chemistry and mathematics. The explanation of the world, what exists and how it works drives them to explore and learn. They are happy in this never-ending journey, always traveling down new paths looking for answers. I am not interested in explaining the world, but to put it into a different context. I examine parts of society and nature to bring awareness to these elements and alter the viewer’s perceptions. My goal is to make them look at things a bit different and consider the world they live in more closely.
BEST IS SHOW Richard Herzog Creeping Ivy Laser-cut Acrylic Mirrors, Hand-cut Vinyl, Wood, Steel 18’ x 32’ x 1.5’
BEST IS SHOW Richard Herzog Creeping Ivy Detail - Laser-cut Acrylic Mirrors, Hand-cut Vinyl, Wood, Steel 18’ x 32’ x 1.5’
As the state’s only large format magazine competition, for our 3rd consecutive year IRREVERSIBLE has introduced the work of thousands – local, estate, national and international artists – working in all media: emerging, mid-career, and established artists. Our annual Featured Artists Competition reinforces Irreversible commitment to artists, provides professional exhibition opportunities for emerging artists, and reveals a provocative and aggressive glimpse – through artists’ eyes – of the state-of-the-art today through paintings, sculpture, photographs, video and installations. The results of the Featured Artists contest were based on the judge’s extensive experience and knowledge of works that engage audiences with contemporary visual art, creative thinking, and most importantly; an educational component inspiring future generations. The presentation and technical merits of each entry were extremely important, as well as the quality of the work and the information provided in the application.